WEEK 13: EOTO 2 Reflection

Overall, the presentations were informative and I learned more about terms either knew or did not know. There were two terms that caught my attention and I think as we go in depth about discussing politics, these terms are very relevant and significant to know. 

The EOTO term that I think is incredibly relevant today is Citizen Journalism. Now that most of the public carries their own camera, there is more footage and it is released much sooner then professional reporters. I agree with Nicole that some of the footage could be misleading if it is not fact-checked properly or it does not share the full story. Issues arise when the content from the citizen journalists shows up on other people's feed, and those that only watch or read that point of view without other research can be a problem.

We are also being more educated about the term "disinformation." I knew that this is a very alarming and disruptive idea in the media, but I forgot about the major events that happened as a result of disinformation. In Matt's presentation, he mentioned a list of events like the "Soviet Campaign blaming AIDS on the US government" in the 1980s. This not only destructed the US government domestically, but it ruins how other countries perceive the US if they are unfamiliar with all of the information.


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