Joe Rogan and His Ultimate Success

 3 Reasons Why Joe Rogan is Successful

Over the past few years, podcasts have been my main source of information and it has also grown in popularity across the US and even globally. Comedians, political journalists, scientists, sports fans, conspiracy theorists, and other organizations are taking advantage of this trend by informing their audience about what is new in their field of interest. 

The podcaster that I have admired over the years is the Joe Rogan Experience. Joe Rogan began his career in mixed martial arts as well as in the entertainment industry where he started stand comedy and acting in various films and TV shows. Rogan’s first podcast was published in 2009 and he is currently one of the top 5 biggest podcasts in the world with a net worth of $100 million.

From an audience perspective, I wanted to dive into Rogan’s techniques that I think have made him successful and why I have followed him for so long. Hopefully, it can give aspiring talk show hosts enlightening tips as they enter the field. Here are 3 insights into Joe Rogan's success:

1. He’s open-minded

When there is so much media content to sift through everyday, it is easy to have a confirmation bias when viewing your news feed. Rogan is known to be extremely open minded which also allows him to make a rational argument or opinion of his own. When I talk to my friends and family, some consider him a "breath of fresh air" because he says what he believes every time. This quality is also extremely important as a talk show host because you want people to come on your show, and if they think you cannot have a rational conversation, they will not come on the show. 

2. He’s unfiltered and lets his guests talk

There are great podcasts out there, and the reason they stand out is because the interviewer has great communication skills. There was a recent podcast that I watched for Vogue, and one of the episodes, they had on a really talented designer. Every time the designer was sharing their stories or insight, the interviewer interrupted to almost want to prove that he knows just as much. It saddened me because the interviewer did not understand that the guest is for the listeners, not him. Joe, on the other hand, does not cut his guests short and the episodes generally last around 2-4 hours as a result. Some audience members argue they are too long and that they drag on with unnecessary information. Though some videos can drag for a long time, I would argue that not cutting the content adds more to Rogan's character by saying "I am not going to fake my listeners."

3. He does extensive research before every episode

For every episode that I listened to, I always admired that Rogan does thorough research with his guests. I think this is another reason why people admire him because he wants to have quality and fluent conversations with them. I think this comes into play with one of his great talents which is being able to ask questions that everyone else is thinking. Having research in the back of your head or on the spot allows the guest to trust Rogan and open up to him even more.


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