WEEK 10: Diffusion of Innovations

The Diffusion of Innovations & WWW

The Diffusion of Innovation Theory can be used to discuss how the World Wide Web has penetrated society and the future of all companies. 

When the WWW was first launched, the "pioneers" or innovators would have to be the scientists and business professionals. Due to the new benefits and effectiveness of the WWW, many of them hopped on board because they had multiple reasons to use it, including sharing data, communicating to business partners and employees, and staying more informed about competitors and consumers. 

The next stage, the early adopters, are important because they set the stage for the rest of the consumers. They are willing to take the risk to advance in their skills. This stage would be colleges and universities to advance their programs, more specifically in the field of science.

I would say the early majority of the World Wide Web would be big companies, possibly mainstream news, finance companies, technology companies, and any of those who are able to afford and make the change in their efficiency in the workplace.

The late majority would be those who have played it safe and are now listening to the positive benefits about the web from their friends and family to major business leaders. 

Finally, the laggards would be older generations who waited to get it, did not see the purpose themselves, or learned how to use it from other members of the family. 


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