WEEK 6: 8 Values of Free Expression

Theories on Speech

The theory of "Marketplace of Ideas," created by John Milton, resonated with me because this theory is used a lot when it comes to making critical decisions. This is also one of the most used strategy in court cases in order to make a final, appropriate decision. This is an important theory for everyone to consider because not only are we exposed to more information from the internet, but also every argument or decision is not cut and dry. People must take a step back and figure out the reasoning behind people's decision-making and actions.

I would also agree with the theory "Promote Innovation." This theory states that a community can thrive economically, socially, and creatively when free speech is advocated and valued. Similar to the Capitalism ideology, Promoting Innovation is important for people to have control in their life and to do well if you work hard. 

In a society today where "Democratic Socialism" is supported, it is important to use the theory "Promote Innovation" and "Marketplace of Ideas" to make a rational decision for determining the future of America's system and ideology. The Democratic Socialists of America support the abolition of Capitalism. Whereas in fact, the ideology of Capitalism is innate for all human beings. We naturally want to connect and help each other in an effort to benefit us as well. By collecting all of the positives and negatives about this ideology, it will allow people to make a rational decision for what they want to support.

Lastly, to prevent any abusive power in the government, the "Check on Governmental Power" theory is used in cases like the Watergate scandal, Clintongate Scandal, etc. Understanding the system of checks and balances, the importance of the media, and the role that the American people play, are all important when it comes to a just society.



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