WEEK 11: Privacy, Online & Off

The Right to Privacy 

Our right to privacy has turned into a new wave of chaos and it could only get worse if we aren't fully aware of what is happening. Just recently in one of my classes, I went up to present and I had to log onto the classroom computer with my Google account. When I went to go present, I clicked "Add Account" and it auto filled not only my email, but my password as well. I was off the walls and my classmates were certainly confused as well. 

The first TED talk speaker uses a metaphor to compare tattoos with personal information on the internet, and he said, "these digital tattoos will last much longer than we ever will." The most concerning part is how personal and sensitive the information is and it makes me question how often it is used for the benefit of companies, government officials, social media platforms, and other data-storing technology companies. I think this message speaks prominently to students and those applying to jobs. As employers google their applicant, will they expect your past experiences to not have any mistakes? Many people post random content that can be taken out of context or post with alcohol and drugs present. Will these behaviors change the way employers see these applicants? That seems to be the case in many situations today, and in my personal opinion, I think this can head down a very negative path. If employers expect perfection after searching all of reviewing permanent digital content or "digital tattoos," will this take a toll on upcoming generations? I understand that companies want to uphold their values reputation, however, I think companies need to reanalyze how they choose their most qualified candidates. 


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